Add your Heartfelt Tribute
I'm blessed to have known and cherished a gentle soul, John Dele Ogun. Of all the people in the world, there is none so good as you. A caring and gentle soul, who is honest, true and kind. Uncle Dele, you are very special, because what you had you share with us freely. Your demise has left us in shock and sadness because God called you too soon. Dele, you were such a wonderful person, and a great friend. Every day I find out how truly special you were. You always find time for your friends and family despite your busy schedules. Your spirit radiates with love and tender care. You brighten up one’s day with your smile. You lighten up a room just entering it. Anyone who has met you has been blessed one way or other. Though your time on earth was too short we know that you are in the bosom of your maker. Rest in perfect peace my dear friend and brother in law aka uncle Dele.
Ed Asaman
The news of Dele's demise was received as a rude shock. We spoke last in December 2024 and there was no indication he was leaving soon. Dele was very lovely, caring, great, humble and nice. A perfect gentleman. He would be solely missed. May the Almighty God comfort, preserve, strengthen and uphold the entire family he left behind in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen. It's well!!!
Segun Ashiru (Segash)
Dear brother Dele, words could not express how sorrowful the news of your sudden death came to our hearts. Your were a very lively, humorous, kind and lovely brother. You shared the love of God in all that you did and say, and we were blessed to have a relationship with you and your family. You have fought the good fight of faith. May you receive the crown of glory and rest well in eternity with your maker. Good night, brother Dele. We will meet again on the resurrection morning!
Tope & Joseph Odusanwo
Uncle Dele! To think I’d never hear you call me “Chun Lee!” like you so adorably did!
You’d call me out on not checking on you yet graciously accept my feeble excuses without a fuss.
You were a very simple, sweet, caring, kind ,gentle one. You’d encourage me on every facet of life whilst never forgetting to demand updates on “our book” like you playfully referred to it! 😥
You never tire out on checking on my welfare, how life was treating me till the conversation diverges into endless topics amidst your own struggles which were oblivious to me!💔
Indeed how terrible it is to love something death can touch.
Perhaps I’d find solace in the thought that you are away from the world of sin, in a better place without pain and sorrow!
I could go on and on cos memories of you are inexhaustible!
But till we meet to sort no more, Continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord Almighty💔
Chin Lee
Uncle Dele,
It’s with a heavy heart and big shock yet to be overcome, though with total submission to the decision of Almighty God, that I am writing this…knowing you is akin to knowing a beautiful soul; through and through…
You lived unpretentious and without any air of ego…
I still remember that fateful day in Santrokofi; where you saw us for the first time…rushed down to meet us, all smiles..and exclaimed…you must be Tobi’s parents! You immediately ensured we felt at home right away!
You maintained interactions with us like we’d known each other for decades. I dare say that everyone we interacted with in the family had very good things to say about Nigerians referencing experiences with you..
…who’ll have thought seeing you on the 27th December 2024 at Leigh-on-sea would be the last…God knows best.
Good night Uncle Dele.
May your memory and all that were yours in this world be perpetually blessed by Almighty God. Amen 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Tayo Rabiu
My darling friend and Brother. Why you?
I am short of words and I find it really hard to process this dreadful news.
My friend said to me " Dele ti lo o". (Meaning Dele has gone). I responded and asked "where"? And she texted back saying he passed away
I cannot fathom how a beautiful soul should go so soon. !!! I know we are not suppose to question God. Am assured and have taking consolation that you are in a better place. Dele our friendship dates back to decades, in the days of humble beginnings. You were always a dedicated member of Kicc while I was at KT.
It was such a delight to see both of us now serving in kicc.
Dele dear am really hurt and upset, couldn't sleep but am getting better now. May the Lord comfort Karen, Daniel Kicc Bromley and all of us. I miss you dear. I am praying you will wake up may not here but on the other side. Rest on.
Sade Otegbeye
Bro Dele ,
Your demise was a big blow and a rude shock to me but God is unquestionable. Thanks for being part of my success story during my academic journey.....your memories will forever linger in my heart. There is time to LIVE ,and a time to Leave. You touched lives when you were here so that you can Live forever in the bosom of your maker till we meet to part no more . Adieu bro
Opeyemi A Oyekan (Ph.D)
I haven't seen Dele in almost 40 years since university graduation but spoke with him last year when he travelled to Canada for a brief visit. He made the effort to connect but the geographical distance was huge and he had a short time. We were to connect later, but that would now be in heaven. Dele was a joyful, easy-going man, and he would be missed. I pray that the comfort of the Holy Spirit will be upon his family. May God be your ever-present help at this time and forever.
Mega Dee,
It came as a great shock your passing to glory which to a lot of us, was too soon.
But we know you're in a better place and that is our comfort. We will forever miss your kindness and constant checking on us your brethren back on campus.
May your soul rest in perfect peace and we ask for the comfort of the Holy Spirit upon your loved ones.
Till we meet and part no more, we keep your memories in our hearts and cherish you as long as we live.
Rest on our brother, Dele! Adieu
Chairman K
Uncle Dee,
I remember that we were supposed to have lunch to celebrate my GCSE grades (20 years ago!).
Then I left to Uni, then started work, then life just took over - we kept scheduling and rescheduling!
You often joked that at the rate we were going we would have the lunch with my husband and kids in tow!
I certainly took it for granted that we will always have time to catch up.
I thank you for being a solid uncle Dee, and consistent, calm and caring individual. I thank you for all your calls and texts to check in with me.
Uncle Dee, the highest Apostle of the Most High! I will miss you.
However I do not sorrow as those who have no hope, because I know we will meet again in heaven.
And we will still have our lunch, except this lunch will be even more glorious cos we will be eating angel's food, heavenly delicacies! Yummmmy!!!
Love you uncle Dee [the most highest Apostle of the 5 fold, of the Most High], have fun in heaven!
Message Body:
I give God the glory for having met Mr. Dele Ogun. Each time I had encounter with him, there was never a dull moment around him. Very witty and fair minded. He will surely be missed by his family and friends. May the Almighty Lord uphold and strengthen his loved ones during this period of grief. This is a huge loss. May the Almighty Lord grant him eternal rest in peace IJN Amen.
Abimbola Ademola-Bawaallah
You have left us too soon my dear brother. Words cannot express how shocked I am and I am still struggling to comprehend that you are no more with us. However I have the awareness that , life is sometimes unfair therefore, I have to accept your departure with a heavy heart.
You were such a pleasant person to be with. Your presence brought humour in every conversation. Your soft spoken words attracted people to get closer to you and you accepted them with an open heart.
I would say you were ‘ cool and collected’, a slang I used to describe gentleman when growing up.
You have definitely left a huge vacuum in our lives and family gatherings will never be the same without you.
We will miss you greatly! However, our assurance is that you are resting in the bosom of our Heavenly Father until we meet again.
Dele, Have a Peaceful Rest! You will always remain in our hearts!
Safe Journey!
Linda & Family
Dr Linda Akomaning-Amoh
Bros Me Dele… Honourable Chairman of the Rebel Leaders… my dear friend, my brother in Christ. A man on fire for God, a true warrior in the faith, and a relentless terror to the kingdom of darkness. Where do I even begin? Words fail me, and you know that doesn’t happen often! You were a force to be reckoned with, a man who loved God fiercely and gave everything to see souls snatched from the kingdom of darkness into the glorious light of Christ. You weren’t just an evangelist, you were a spiritual special forces operative, striking fear into the enemy’s camp and depopulating hell at every opportunity.
Now, you’ve gone ahead of us, too soon for us, but right on time for heaven. I can just imagine you up there, rallying the saints, giving instructions on how to get more labourers into the harvest field! You’ve left a massive void, but we won’t let the fire go out, we’ll carry on the mission, just like you would have wanted.
My heart is heavy, not just because you’ve gone, but because you left behind your beloved Karen and Danny Boy - your pride and joy. But one thing I know for sure: God’s got them. The same God you served with everything in you will watch over them, guide them, and uphold them. That’s one promise I’m holding onto.
Bros, you were one of a kind. A rare gem. A true Rebel Leader. I will miss you more than words can say. But we don’t grieve like those who have no hope, I know we’ll see each other again. Until then, rest well, my brother. Keep the angels busy, keep the fire burning, and when we get there, we’ll pick up where we left off.
#RebelLeaderForLife 🙏🏾🔥
Eric Okoh
Shocking news!
Your warmth, kindness and smiles will be greatly missed. I first met you under very difficult circumstances, but in the midst of it all, you remained joyful whilst holding on to your faith and had the heart for God. You have walked the walk and now at the bosom of God.
Hmm your jovial spirit was a blessing and will be missed. Rest on bro Dele.
God will comfort and strengthen all loved ones
Vicky Olugbekan
May your dear soul rest in peace my dear evangelist.You will be fondly missed.Your memory is remembered for good. Till we meet again in our father s' bosom.
Rosinia Munangwa
Your passing came as a surprise Bro Dele. The last time you called, there was no indication that it was going to be our last phone conversation. Each time you didn't see me in church, you made it a point to ring me to check up on me. Initially, I thought it was just about attending church but overtime it became clear it was not about church, you simply genuinely cared for people, there was no catch. You will be dearly missed...
To an Amazing Brother and Great Friend!
We were privileged to meet you in church a couple of years ago.
A brief period of relationship that will remain one of the great privileges and blessings of our lives.
You exude life, friendliness, kindness, and undeniable passion to see souls saved.
You amazed us with your care and calls.
You called every Sunday you did not see us in church. Even when we pre- informed you of Sundays we won't be around, you still called to check on how we were doing.
You were simply amazing!
You were passionate for souls till your last days.
Your death left us speechless, with pain of this temporary separation.
But we are grateful to God your Father who has called you home in His own good time.
We are grateful to God for the message of love and hope we read in your life, which you lived as a lively epistle.
Your sudden departure has again re-echoed to us a strong message that we should live everyday of our lives for Christ as if it is our last day, so that whether we live or die we will remain confident and not be ashamed to meet the King.
Rest on in Glory, our cherished brother, till we see you in Glory in the Presence of our King.
Emmanuel & Jennifer Oluyomi
Emmanuel Tade Oluyomi
Dele my dear Cuz your passing is so overwhelming it can never cross my mind that you will be gone so soon decades to come.
You are a kind soul ,loving jovial one who cares and encourages those around him . I was still expecting that call you promised after our last chat only to get a call of your demise. No one to call me chicken farmer again .It's a big painful blow but how do we question God ,He knows best why He allowed this happen we are but human . The only consolation is that you knew the lord ,though you are not here but heaven have an angel . Rest on dear cuz .
Peju Gisanrin (Mrs)
Peju Gisanrin
Brother Dele was very passionate about soul winning and was very much involved in the Evangelism Team.
Brother Dele attended evangelism on a very cold winter's day in mid-January 2025, with temperatures just barely below freezing. This is a testament to his passion for souls. Little did we know that this would be his last attendance.
Bro Dele was very caring and thoughtful and would usually drop a message to check on me and the family.
We thank God for the life of Brother Dele and the impact in the lives of many, most of all his family, KICC The Open Door family, the whole KICC family, and many others.
I pray for God's comfort and grace for Sister Karen and Daniel and the extended family and friends and colleagues 🙏
Oluwayinka Adebiyi
Oluwayinka Adebiyi
Brother Dele Ogun was a pleasant person. A fervent soldier of Christ, lover of fellow believers, a keen pursuant of souls.
Continue to rest in the bossom of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Richard and Shola
Richard and Shola Fadiya
Dele, Delinjah or Dr D, as I used to call him, had this distinctive voice that echoed in his greetings “..Bishop , ..Bishopess, ..Apostle…” he kept conferring these titles on people.
Dele was a bubbly friend, and will greatly be missed, especially the “UI” bantas. You couldn’t convince him that “the first was not necessarily the best.” Dele often had this unique way of spontaneously bursting into his quirky dance even in the absence of music.
Dele was daring. In one of his recent profiles, he was suspended high up, I think on a zipline, and when I asked him about it, his response was that it was a great experience, and I should consider giving it a go. Really, he was someone who looked at life from the positives and with a solution-minded approach.
Dele loved IT and was always upskilling himself. I remember him doing ITIL and AWS certifications and courses in areas beyond his domain, even up to the end he was still doing online courses - he said, “To keep his mind sharp.”
Our prayers are with his immediate family, Sister Karen, Daniel and other family members that God will be their refuge and strength, and a very present help at this time and always. IJMN.
Dele rest in God’s peace until the trumpet call of God
Yinka & Eileen Agunsoye
What shall we then say
It is well. May his soul rest in peace. Such a wonderful kind hearted man. Easy going. Oluwa lo ye. You will not be forgotten. I remember the impact he did during his brother(brother Gbenga) surprise birthday. Aye oja orun ni le. Sunre sunre sunre.
I have known Ekorian Dele Ogun for a couple of years, I realised that he comes across as a quiet gentleman, however, he was funny, witty and can connect with people. I asked him to be our Master of Ceremony at our 111th Founder's Day reception in January 2024, he did an excellent job, and we wanted him to do more of the MC role at other occasions last year and this year, unfortunately he was not well. Ekorian Dele Ogun will be greatly missed by all of us, may his soul rest in peace.
Ekorian Oladipo Onasanya
At Ekoba Europe Old Boys Association of Eko Boys High School, your Alma Mater, you did your best for us all. You brought smiles onto us in January 2024 when you were our MC, not knowing that you won't be available for same in 2025.
In all honesty, this was like a rude turn of event for all as we put you in our prayers. We never bargained for this sudden exit.
I pray to God, from the bottom of my heart that He should forgive your sins and grant you eternal rest. That the family you left behind shall be supported and given respite at this difficult period.
Rest perfectly in peace till we meet again to part more. We have no power of our own. God loves you more than we do.
Your colleague,
Ekorian Olusegun Opanuga
Olusegun Opanuga
GONE TOO SOON! You lived ur life as a lighted candle in a room, ever smiling and cracking jokes for others to laugh. May ur gentle soul rest in perfect peace in the Bossom of the Lord. 🙏May the Good Lord grant families n friends the fortitude to bear the loss. You will be missed bro.
Victor Lawrence
It’s with a heavy heart and a soul full of gratitude that I remember my dear Uncle Dele. He wasn’t just my uncle, he was the big brother I never had, a constant source of love, guidance, and strength. Losing him has left a hole in my heart that will never be filled, but I am comforted by the countless memories he left behind, memories I will carry with me forever.
Uncle Dele had a rare and beautiful spirit—peaceful, kind, and selfless in a way that touched everyone he met. He lived for others, always putting those around him before himself. I’ll never forget how, despite not feeling well, he flew with Aunt Karen to attend my 40th birthday in Canada last year. That act alone speaks volumes about the kind of person he was—someone who would sacrifice for the ones he loved, no matter the personal cost. I am glad we spent that milestone time together
Growing up with him was a gift in itself. So many memories of him from living with my Dad in Ring road, to eagerly anticipating him visiting Nigeria, every moment with him felt like a treasure. His unwavering belief in me have helped shape who I am today. His gifts—material things, yes, but more than that, they were symbols of his deep, unconditional love for me. He was always there, encouraging and counselling me.
He didn’t just love me—he loved my wife, too. We both adored him in ways words can’t fully capture. His kindness and selflessness were contagious, and his presence was a warmth that filled any room. The thought of never seeing him again, of never hearing his voice, his laughter, his mischievous grin or feeling his comforting embrace, is unbearable
But even in the depths of my grief, I know one thing is certain—Uncle Dele’s love will never fade. His legacy lives on in the way he treated people and in his quiet strength. I will honor him every day, carry his memory with me, and continue to live my life in a way that would make him proud
I miss you more than words can express you will forever remain in my heart
Ola Elemide
My dear Brother in love, the Pain of your passing is deep as i write these few words to honour your memory.
Being in your company was always such a delight! Oh I'll miss the offers of chocolate with a wink which i could never resist.
You were such a thoughtful, selfless, loving and peaceful soul.
Even during difficult times your Zeal for the Lord Jesus Christ and things of the Kingdom did not diminish which makes your leaving so soon seem so unfair. But " We shall understand it better by and by when the morning comes"
I'm grateful for the quality family time we had in Canada last year and will forever cherish those memories. I have not seen your " Big Bros" so devastated but "We shall not mourn as they that have no hope"
I pray God grants us the fortitude to bear this great loss, and strengthen and comfort Dear Karen and Daniel to keep your light shining here.
Dele Super! Aburo mi owon. Sun re o!
Olutosin Elemide
Rest in Heavenly Peace Bro Dele.
You fought the good fight and smiled through it all.
Sis Karen, Bro Daniel and family may God Comfort you all on everyside. Take Courage in knowing Bro Dele is asleep in Christ. You will see him in the fullness of time.
Praying for you all.
Winnie & Malcolm
Winnie & Malcolm Kinnon
News of your passing is still hard to take in. I thank God for knowing you. I will miss your joking around and teasing. I appreciate your kind heart and willingness to reach out with a helping hand and listening ear. I pray the Lord will comfort and strengthen Karen, Daniel and all the family. Rest on.
Liz Yeboa-Henaku
Uncle Dele was one of a kind. From his warm hugs to his hearty laugh, and his kind words. I will miss him so so so much. I know that God will preserve his impact and legacy. I love you my dearest Uncle💗
Fisayo Adeleke
Dele, we are saddened by your call to glory. Your memories will remain with us forever. May the Lord comfort your dear family you’ve left behind.
Rest peacefully in the Lord Almighty till we meet again.
Millicent Laryea
My beloved brother Dele, I was seriously looking forward to seeing you at the VCF / Rhema August reunion as you and I chatted on my birthday in January.
You were one that it was always fun to be with.
I'm consoled by the fact that we shall meet again where you have gone ahead to be with our Lord.
We give thanks.
Kosmi Ilegogie
Dele Ogun,
It is still surreal that you have gone to be with your Maker.
The Yorubas say: a matured tree does not last in the forest.
Dele, you are one of the realest people I know.
You had a very large heart, your love for people was real.
I pray God comforts and strengthen your wife, son and the whole family you left behind.
You loved God and did not buy into religion.
Sleep on dear friend.
Oluwafemi Ayinde
Brother Dele, you are an Amazing spiritual being. I am really lost for words my big brother. My joy amd comfort is that you are in Christ. Paul our apostle said to me to live is Christ and to die is gain because he will be with his loving savour, The Lord Jesus Christ. The body of Christ will really miss you. You will forever be remembered. May your precious soul rest in perfect peace, that is in Christ. Psalm 116:15.
Harrison Adedayo
Dele, by the grace of the almighty God we will continue to give God the glory and remain solid as we come to terms with your departure. It has been hard for me personally as we both discussed some ideas last year. We promised to pay visits with our wives on your return from Canada etc.. ..and we said we should be hanging out escorted me back to my car along Freeland Road Bromley and we just talked and talked as ex-Uni colleagues, ex LUL, and visionary digital tech gurus. We also both reflected on our personal lives...and thanked God for where we are today ...hnmmm
I didn't know this will be our last meeting.
I admire your patience and generosity and overall calmness. You were a true gentleman in every sense of the word and I will miss you a lot.
Kunle Awosusi
Dele o...hnmmm by the special grace of God, we are remaining strong after your shocking departure and coming to terms with it hasn't been easy for me...
Whilst strolling down Freelands Road together last year after the service we were reminiscing LASU, LUL and giving God the glory on where we are today....I didn't know that will be our last moment together....
You are a gentleman in every sense of the word and a person I can trust 100%.
I will miss our pet talks ..
Do rest in perfect peace now...
Kunle Awosusi
Oga Dele, it pains my heart to be writing about you in the past
Your assuring smile and positive attitude to life was enviable.
I'm eternally happy that I came to see you on the 10TH January. Although you looked frail compared to the Dele I'm used to, your positivity and determination to win was remarkable.
I'm sure you you fought as much as any warrior could have, sadly you had to succumb to the cold hands of death.
Ogami that means we have forever stopped talking about future of tech on humanity and jellof rice.
Onbehalf of myself and my family I bid you a heart felt good night until we meet again.
Oga Dele, may you soul will rest in perfect peace, Amen 🙏🏽
Charles Ariwodo.
Charles Ariwodo
Dele still can’t get over the shock that you have completed your assignment on earth ! You blew out God’s sweet fragrance from the first time you ministered to me at BLT , during our first year in UI till the last time we met at London Bridge for a drink up! Ore rest in peace never knew when I lost communication with you you were battling the challenges, guess you never wanted me and a couple of your friends in the state you are but speaking with those who saw you , I learnt you never stopped effusing the sweet fragrance which is your designated Genre/ DNA! May the Holy Spirit Comforts Queen Karen who brought Joy and laughter to your life and your awesome prince Daniel may he grow to fulfill all you have desire him to be and all your friends and families you left may we all finish well! You have ran your race and you finished well too early in our calendar but God knows you have done well till we meet again oremi thanks for all the positive virtues you sown in my life I forever remember and celebrate you my good friend- Ayotunde A
Ayotunde Adekaiyero
To my dear Brother in Heaven
My heart is full of memories
and every minute of them are
Filled with happiness.
That’s why this special message
is sent to heaven above and for
the angels to take care of you
and give you all my love.
For you were someone special
Always such a joy to know,
And there was so much pain,
And it was time to let you go.
I will never forget you
and I know I have been blessed
to have a Brother like you
because you were the best
I will always love you
In loving memories of
My Brother
oluyemi A Ogun
It was with a heavy heart but total submission to the will of the Lord that we received the news of your home call! A true gentleman, a great prayer worrior with great love for the things of God.
It was a privilege and great pleasure to have known and serve the Lord with you. You left too soon and will be sorely missed.
Adieu and rest in perfect peace Bro Dele till we meet again to part no more.
Olufemi & Omolara Eweoya
Olufemi Eweoya
This one of the most difficult eulogies , I have ever written; For days I have just been numb about the Transition To Glory of my brother,Brother Dele Ogun. Dele and I met in Sept 1996, when I was told by Pastor Dipo to setup, The Technical Dept. We use to, with Brother Elijah(now Pastor Elijah) and Brother Dele Phillips, to setup and dismantle everyweek, the sound and amps to provide audio for the choir and Pastor's mic.
We got on very well, because we had similar backgrounds in Computing and Technology.
I saw Dele as my junior brother who loved a good jive about our Professional Industry and just a good person who will show concern, with what you are going through, even after I moved back to the main church.
Dele will call me and say with a big shout Bro Lolu! in a jovial way.
He always had an encouraging word for me, whenever he called.
The last time he called me was Jan 3rd 2025 and we were looking forward to new innovations even in A.I. He wished me well for 2025, not knowing that was the last time, I would ever speak to him.
Dele to be absent from us, is to be present with The Lord. I never believed this was how it would be. I thought we will be in Nigeria one day visiting each other, But Jesus knows best. I am still numb and the shock kept me quiet for days. May God comfort your loving wife (Sis Karen) and may God comfort your son and family abroad and in the UK.
Lolu Akintomide
I never imagined I will be giving a tribute to a family friend. You were a Christian. I really do not know why the good ones go so young. I am happy you had Daniel and saw the remarkable young man he has become. I know you made your son and family proud. Rest in peace.
Edise Ayigbe
The passing of brother Dele Ogun is so hard to take. We have been together for so long in KICC, we shared so many deep and insightful conversations and I will forever cherish those conversations.
I often wondered what you and wife talked about and you are one of her few friends that she cherished.
Thanks for the interest shown to the children as well.
You are such an amazing brother and friend, addicted to giving and an evangelist. We will surely miss you and may God continue to comfort the family you left behind. Till we meet again, good night.
Min. Bunmi, Bisi Oyegoke and family
Bunmi Oyegoke
May God grant his soul eternal rest and give the family left behind fortitude to bear the loss.
Lola Abdullahi
May God almighty comfort you and keep you give strengthen you with his hands
Oyinlade Adesemowo
Dele was one of the most gentle and kind-natured souls I've ever known.
His dignity was reflected in the way he dignified others.
Thanks to God Almighty for the memories and the assurance that Dele will live again at His appointed time.
Mary Funlayo Ogana